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Pastoral Services


Pastoral Services

Pauline Charism being Evangelization through the Means of Communications, our contribution in the Pastoral field is as follows:

Conducting Symposia, conventions, Training/Animation programmes - on Communication Media, Inter-religious Dialogue, Music and Dance, and on all timely themes of the year like, Teachers’ Day, Children’s Day, Mothers’ Day, Communications Day, different Liturgical Seasons like Advent, Lent, etc. The resource persons for these programmes are from our own sisters and competent persons from outside. These programmes are held in our Bandra premises, at the Pauline Multipurpose Hall. These are also organized at other venues on request.

Our Sisters who are trained in fields of Theology and Communication are invited to Schools, Colleges, Parishes and Conferences both nationally and internationally to animate the students and participants.

Conducting Webinars, and collaborating with other organizations on ZOOM, Google Meet, etc., both as participants and resource persons

Collaborating with Catholic TV Channels and secular Radio Stations by giving them programmes for different occasions

Lending personnel for Church Institutions like at the following Centres:

  • Archdiocesan Holy Family Hospital, Medical Library, New Delhi
  • NISCORT (CBCI Media College) for teaching staff, New Delhi
  • Catholic Information Centre (CIC), Nagpur
  • Holy Cross High School, as counsellor, Mumbai
  • Archdiocesan Seminary for regular orientation course and counselling, Mumbai
  • Full collaboration with the Parishes of our residence
  • Availability of sister in Mumbai, for on-line and on site counselling, both for Indians as well as foreigners.
  • Archdiocesan Loturgical Centre, Bombau Archidiocese in Mumbai.
  • Catholic Information Centre, in Nagpur Archdiocese.
  • NBCLC, Bangalore – In charge of the Book Centre and Library.