Join the Daughters of St Paul
“Come and see” is the same invitation, Jesus offers to all the young people of today. More than ever Jesus needs you, wants you to bear witness to his love and mercy, to proclaim the gospel through media of social communication. He wants you to make known his name to the end of the world.
Young People
Pauline Formation has two stages – Initial formation (up to Perpetual Profession) followed by Ongoing Formation.
The stages in the initial formation are:
- Aspirancy or ‘Come and See’ stage: When the candidates contemplating the Pauline life have a taste of this life in a community
- Pre-Postulancy: When the candidates learn to respond to the God who calls
- Postulancy: When the candidates strengthen their will to follow Christ and the experience of growth in human and Christian maturity
- Novitiate: A period of initiation into the discipleship proper to the Pauline religious
- Juniorate: A period of deepening in the life and mission of the Institute in all its dimensions
Aspirancy or ‘Come and See’ period is necessary due to our linguistic and cultural differences and differences in the level of faith formation. Keeping in mind the aspirant’s degree of preparation, it is carried out in a most suitable manner, as a time for preparation for the pre-postulancy and postulancy. Aspirancy or ‘Come and See’ programme is organised in our formation community in Mumbai for a period of six months. The environment is conducive to help the young person to make a free and conscious choice. During these six months the aspirants have language classes, basic human, Christian and Pauline religious formation in order to help them discern their vocation to the congregation of the Daughters of St Paul.
The period of pre-postulancy aims at continuing her formation from the aspirancy. If she has not completed her junior college, she is given a chance to complete it in one of the designated colleges. Along with the academic studies she continues in the Pauline formation through various classes on human formation, catechism, Pauline mission and Teachings of our founders, and skills of living in a community. During the period of academic studies, the pre-postulants are enriched by the apostolic activities organized by the community whenever possible. The directress of the pre-postulants continues to guide them in the Pauline formative journey.
Postulancy is, really speaking, the first stage of formation in the Pauline religious life. It permits the young woman to experience life among the Daughters of St Paul. The stage of postulancy is carried out in Mumbai and the duration is for one year and six months. The stage of postulancy offers opportunities for the postulants to mature in human, Christian, psycho-affective balance and Pauline vocation, through various classes and apostolic activities. In view of enhancing their understanding and growth in community and apostolic dimensions they are given three months of practical experience in different communities. During this period, the postulant, with the duly appointed directress, examines her desire to the Pauline way of life and starts to get to know the congregation in which she wants to offer herself entirely to Christ and to dedicate herself to the work of evangelization. She makes her mature and responsible decision at the end of the stage of postulancy.
The Novitiate is the true initiation into the Pauline religious life. The duration of the Novitiate is from 22 to 24 months, which takes place in Mumbai. The young woman begins her life in the congregation canonically. It is a time set apart for reflection, self-discipline, and contemplation during which the novice profoundly adheres to Christ in the knowledge and practice of a life – chaste, poor and obedient. The Novitiate is a school of faith, of discipleship, a journey of life that guides the novice towards the radical choice of Christ. Through prayer, study, apostolate and fraternal communion, the novice develops gradually a new personal identity, that of the Daughters of St Paul. During this period the novice directress helps her journey deeper into the Pauline religious life, her understanding of the Constitutions of the Daughters of St Paul, the religious vows, until she makes her First Profession in religious life.